Saturday, April 28, 2018

Where on earth is Helvetia?

You have most likely come across some stamps that are from Helvetia. However, you are not entirely sure where that is, or if it was a former country and has later changed its name, or something along those lines. Well lo and behold, Helvetia is a well-known European country, that has existed for centuries. It is also well known for their neutral stance throughout time. You might have guessed it by know, it is Switzerland.

Thus, this raises the question, why don't they just include the country name 'Switzerland' instead of Helvetia. Before we go into the postal history in Switzerland, lets find out where the term Helvetia came from. Since Switzerland comprises of "four official languages (French, German, Italian and Romansch), it was tricky to pick a language as the official one for the postage stamps. So instead, they chose to write on the stamps in Latin, resulting with the name Helvetia. The term Helvetia goes back to the "Celtic tribes that inhabited the Alpine regions at the dawn of the Christian era." (Mackay, 54)

"Switzerland was formed in 1291 by an alliance of cantons against the Habsburg dynasty - the Confoederatio Helvetica (or Swiss Confederation), from which the abbreviation CH for Switzerland derives - though only in 1848, when a new constitution was adopted, was the present nation formed. [1] 

Switzerland has an interesting postal history of stamps. Since Switzerland is a confederacy with multiple cantons, each canton used to issue their own stamps. [2]  The first stamp issued in Switzerland was back in 1843, and was issued by Zurich, which was followed by Geneva in the same year. [3] However, this did not last for long, as the postal services were no longer managed by the cantons, instead were managed on the federal level. That is when the federal level decided to issue the stamps of Switzerland in its Latin name. [4]

Postage stamps of the cantons of Switzerland are not only of immense value but are also rare stamps. In addition, Swiss stamps continue to amaze philatelists, as they issue unique stamps. For example, Switzerland was the first in the world to issue stamps made of cloth material instead of paper. In another instance, they issued a postage stamp made of wood. So who knows what kind of stamps Switzerland will issue next, and stamps from Switzerland do reveal to be a fascinating collection to have, as well as to explore!


Friday, April 20, 2018

German Expressionism

"Murnau with Rainbow" is the name of the painting on the postage stamp above. Murnau with Rainbow, was painted in 1909 by Wassily Kandinsky during the expressionist modernist movement. Although Kandinsky's work flourished during his time in Germany, he was actually Russian; and finally settled in France till his death in 1944. Kandinsky is best known as "one of the founding fathers of abstract painting".[1]  Kandinsky was not an artist or a painter by training; on the contrary, he actually studied at the University of Moscow "law, economics, and ethnography", and accepted a position as a professor.[2]

The change in profession allowed Wassily Kandinsky to explore a completely different field from his, to which he not only enjoyed, but is known as "an influential Russian painter and art theorist". [3] His success in the field led him to establish the Der Blaue Reiter a.k.a The Blue Rider group (1911-1914), which focused on abstract paintings, "[evolving] from fluid and organic to geometric and, finally to pictographic".[4] The works produced by the artists in the Der Blaue Reiter group are known to have formed the basis for the German expressionism movement.[5] However, for the Der Blaue Reiter artists to adopt an expressionist form of art was not only a style, it held "spiritual values" which transcended the material world.[6] Thus, exhibiting more of a belief or a mindset so to say, and for Kandinsky, the Der Blaue Reiter was symbolic to his work, which was "moving beyond [the] realistic representation…[and a] symbol of rebirth".[7]

Murnau, Dorfstrasse (1908)

What is German expressionism?

"German expressionism is a cultural movement that started the First World War, and had its peak during the 1920's. It can best be described as a creative movement, although, especially where the painters are concerned, it was also a mindset. German Expressionism was represented, in the early days, by two groups of artists, Die Bruecke in the North of Germany and Der Blaue Reiter in the South."[8]


  1. "Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944)." Contemporary World Issues: Global Refugee Crisis: A Reference Handbook, Second Edition, Mark Gibney, ABC-CLIO, 2nd edition, 2010. Credo Reference.
  2. "Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944)." Contemporary World Issues: Global Refugee Crisis: A Reference Handbook, Second Edition, Mark Gibney, ABC-CLIO, 2nd edition, 2010. Credo Reference. 
  4. "Wassily Kandinsky." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica, 8 Feb. 2012. 

Further reading:

Friday, April 13, 2018

Sustainable Development Conference in Rio

Sustainable Development Conference

The Sustainable Development Conference took place in Rio, Brazil in June 2012. The main outcome of the conference was the "practical measure for implementing sustainable development", which manifested in the Sustainable Development Goals. [1]  The conference was organized as a result of the General Assembly (GA) resolution 64/236, which also marked the "20th anniversary of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), and the 10th anniversary of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD). [2] 

"What is sustainable development?
Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. Seen as the guiding principle for long-term global development, sustainable development consists of three pillars: economic development, social development and environmental protection."[3]

However, the SDGs were not created from a vacuum, prior to launching the SDGs in 2015, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were launched in 2000. The purpose of the MDGs is relatively similar to that of the SDGs, and that is to achieve medium and long term developmental goals. The following are the 8 MDGs that were sought to be fulfilled by 2015:

  1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  2. Achieve universal primary education
  3. Promote gender equality and empower women
  4. Reduce child morality
  5. Improve maternal health
  6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
  7. Ensure environmental sustainability
  8. Develop a global partnership for development

Even though the 8 MDGs were not fulfilled by 2015, the  developmental agenda continued in order to achieve the goals. Thus, the SDGs contain 17 goals, which contain 169 targets; the SDGs are also known as Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The purpose of breaking down the goals into targets is to allow for a more simple approach for all the countries to follow and implement. There are several reasons as to why the developmental agenda will continue to be implemented to 2030, and one of them simply is that:

"We don't have plan B because there is no planet B." - Ban Ki-moon, UNSG (2007-2016).

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (postage stamp)

In addition, recognizing and acknowledging that "eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions…is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development", is why the SDGs are not targeting some countries while excluding others; on the contrary, all countries are expected to work towards achieving the goals. [4] Despite most member states agreeing with the developmental agenda, there are disagreements on some of the specifics of the goals, as well as the fact that there seem to be a lot of goals and targets for countries to focus on.

Regardless, of the various views towards the SDGs and their effectiveness, the SDG progress report that was released in 2017 has shown that there is steady progress across the 17 goals. However, like many global projects on such a large scale, there will be challenges along the way to implement and fulfill these goals; nonetheless, it is only 2018 and there are 12 years to go!

To end this post with a reminder about the United Nations, from none other than the Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld (UNSG 1953 - 1961):

"Dag Hammarskjöld famously said that the United Nations "was not created to take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell." [5]

[Side note: I'll also recommend reading The United Nations: Very Short Introduction by Jussi M. Hanhimaki to learn more about the UN and its history.]







Hanhimaki, Jussi M. The United Nations: Very Short Introduction. 2015. Print.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Summer Palace in Beijing

The "Summer Palace - Jade Belt Bridge is part of a postage stamps series commemorating the Summer Palace in Beijing, China; which was enlisted as a world heritage site by the UNESCO in 1998. The Summer Palace was built during the Qing Dynasty (17th - 20th century).[1] 

Summer Palace - stamps series (2008)

The Qing dynasty was known as the "last conquest regime", indicating that the conquests led by the dynasty have more or less "laid the territorial foundations of the modern Chinese nation-state"[2]. Setting aside the political implications of the Qing dynasty in the modern era, the arts scenery developed during the Qing dynasty, this ranged from the paintings to literature and even porcelain. This boom in the arts was best embodied in the Summer Palace in Beijing, where one can experience first-hand the vast gardens and beautiful scenery. However, it must be noted that the current Summer Palace is a restoration of the original one built in 1750, and that was because it was destroyed during the 1860 war.

The Summer Palace in Beijing was formerly known as the Qingyi Garden, which translates to the garden of clear ripples.[3] It is known for "its artful landscaping", which includes various "halls, towers, pavilions, bridges and pagodas", amounting to more than a hundred buildings in the palace. [4] The construction of the various buildings in the Summer Palace began in 1750 up to 1764, to serve as the "Emperor's garden retreat".[5] The palace was not merely a garden for the emperor to enjoy; on the contrary, the Summer Palace included "political and administrative, residential, spiritual and recreational functions", thus, serving multiple purposes. One of the known structures in the Summer Palace is the Jade Belt Bridge.

The Jade Belt Bridge in the Summer Palace is known for its "tall thin single arch", the construction of the bridge began in 1751 and was completed in 1764.[6] The bridge symbolizes a "link between the earth and the heaven", which the Emperor would use to reflect, as well as allow for the emperor to access the "Jade Spring Hills".[7]

"The Summer Palace in Beijing is an outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese landscape garden design, incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole." UNESCO, World Heritage Convention
 This is a short video show-casing the Summer Palace, enjoy!


[2] Rawski, Evelyn S. "Introduction." The Last Emperors: A Social History of Qing Imperial Institutions. : University of California Press, 1998-11-15.

[3] Siu, Victoria M.. Gardens of a Chinese Emperor: Imperial Creations of the Qianlong Era, 1736–1796, 33. Lehigh University Press, 2013.

[4] "Beijing." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica, 9 Dec. 2015. Accessed 4 Apr. 2018.

[6] "Beijing." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica, 9 Dec. 2015. Accessed 4 Apr. 2018.

"Qing dynasty." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica Digital Learning, 2017. Credo Reference. Accessed 03 Apr. 2018.


Further sources:

BBC Radio - Palace of Shame

Before Beijing: A Rare View of China's Last Dynasty

Bernhard Graf, Bridges That Changed the World. 

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Spiral Tree

Who is the designer of the "Spiral Tree" postage stamp?

        The "Spiral Tree" is designed by the Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000). However, before delving into the messages being conveyed through the "spiral tree", it is important to learn a bit about Hundertwasser, and his views on design and architecture, as this will help us understand why the postage stamp is designed in such a manner, as well as better analyze the piece. 

       He is well known for his unique architectural designs as well as paintings. Hundertwasser recognized that the modern architectural designs were often disconnected from nature, and were not 'natural' designs per se; as he often expressed his disdain of using "straight-edged rulers" when designing and drawing. Rather Hundertwasser chose to stay true and close to nature, through his designs and color schemes. 

        If you look at the postage stamp above, you will notice the hand-free style and circular motion that Hundertwasser uses in designing this stamp, which he titles the "Spiral Tree". The spiral tree design, while calls the viewers attention to nature, with its design and blue/green color scheme, Hundertwasser is also inviting the observer to ponder further into the meaning of the spiral tree, and its relation to humanity. He often believed that man has a 'duty to trees', as he acknowledged

that "man is [divorced] from nature". In regards to the "Spiral Tree" stamp, Hundertwasser not only wanted to pay homage to nature through a painting of a tree; but through the circular and "irregular spirals", he is drawing attention to the "symbol of life and death" and its relation to nature. This duty to nature is also expressed through his architectural designs as seen in some of his architectural work.

       While one can observe the thoughts and views of Hundertwasser through his designs, he also sought to express them in the "Mouldiness Manifesto against Rationalism in Architecture". In the manifesto, Hundertwasser discusses several ideas which revolve around the concept of how current architectural designs are unnatural, and are not a natural manifestation for humans to live in. He goes into further detail marveling about how the architect, the builder and the tenant do not feel any sense of attachment to the building, as each is working in their own realm without interacting with the other. He also finds that such squared, and straight line structures of buildings, are oppressive to the human soul, and do not allow one to build or design their own living space, that is closer to nature; in an attempt to allow one to reconcile with nature once again. 


     What are your thoughts, do you agree with Hundertwasser's view on design vis a vis nature? I'll end this piece with a quote of Hundertwasser summing his frustration with functional architecture:

"Today we live in a chaos of straight lines, in a jungle of straight lines. If you do not believe this, take the trouble to count the straight lines which surround you. Then you will understand, for you will never finish counting."



"Friedensreich Hundertwasser." 2000. Building Design: 2. 

Levy, A. 1976. "Preaching 'Duty to Trees' and other Doctrines." Artnews (u.s.a.) 75 (8): 84-87.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Insights into postage stamps

Insights into the stamps of the world

Stamps today serve multiple purposes, and the one that I will focus on throughout this blog, is the significance of the stamp. This means I will address either the context in which the stamp was issued, or the stamp designer, or symbolism of the stamp and so on. I will cover a wide range of geographical regions as well as thematic topics. Thus in turn this will allow me and you to learn along the way about various countries and topics. 

I started collecting stamps after receiving my grandfathers stamps collection. I've received this collection a few years ago, however, it just sat in my room, and for some reason I continued to collect stamps throughout the years. I did not really go through the stamps properly until recently, in which I started to clean some of the stamps and sort them into order by country. It was then through the process of cleaning and sorting that I became curious about these stamps, and what kind of message they were conveying to people all over the world. Some stamps have designs/writings that are quite obvious in the first instance; however, others require a bit of reading and research to learn about the message of the stamp, which I find really intriguing, how a tiny piece of paper can say so much!

This is an image of the stamps after cleaning, some have been sorted, but as you can see the majority are yet to be sorted into their respective countries. However, before I do so, I aim to have at least most of the countries covered through this blog; granted there may be some repetition, but I'll try my best to cover the 195 "stamps of the world" as promised by the title of the blog!